

AbstergoTV Scammer Copycat (Spicy Animus Debunked)

Let's Start with a Meme Okay, let's be straight, Abstergo copied SOS v3 and named it Animus in his recent Scam called "Mainline"  Left side we have SOS v3 we made 1 year ago  Right side we have Animus the copypasta by AbstergoTV Here's a part of scripts to show how he copied everything 1) Animation Script Copied 2) Arm Bridge Script is copied 3) Cache clear Script is Copied 4) Extreme mode is copied and renamed as Gltools 5) Firmware Change is copied 6) Img2folder is copied and renamed as Beast Mode 7) Init fix Script is copied 8) Kernel Changer script is copied 9) Czfilemanager changer script is copied 10) Mesa Changer script is copied 11) Mesa Rescue, Kernel Rescue from sos is copied 12) Pubg Backup and Restore by Narendra is copied and renamed by Abstergo 13) Resolution Script is copied and add...